Trying Out Side Hustles So You Don’t Have to: Social Media Management

Bella's Journey
2 min readFeb 23, 2023

We’re in week 1 aka the prep stage. All about prep work, learning, and applying as much as possible.

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

On TikTok, I’m constantly bombarded with influencers talking about how they manage different social media accounts and how it’s super easy to do and a great way to earn money.

The way it’s explained on there is probably overly simplistic, but what I’ve seen is that you can charge a monthly rate of $500 per client and easily make a few thousand in a few months by just having 3–5 clients.

Why does this side hustle appeal to me? Because I’m already doing it. I currently manage my own social media account, AND I manage 2 others for tech companies. Do I get paid as much for it as they do? Not even a little bit. (sigh)

Total number of accounts managed: 3.

And I’m going to be honest….I’m not doing it very well.

To me, I don’t understand how to systemize it and manage it all. So learning how to monetize it and master it would benefit me in so many ways. Even if at the end of this month I just have a ton of confidence in my social media skills, that would be worth it.

So I’m starting off with my week 1 checklist below, and you can follow me along!

Week 1 Checklist (Thurs. Feb. 23 — Thurs. March 2)

  • Research social media management and learn what all it entails
  • Follow social media manager accounts
  • Track current social media KPI’s
  • Look what clients are looking for in terms of social media management (expectations, activities, pay, etc.)
  • Learn how to plan out content
  • Schedule content for my current accounts

That’s it! I’ll update this post after the first week and let you know how it goes.





Bella's Journey

A scorpio in every single way - a lover of deep intimate conversations, intense connections, and loyal. Buy me a coffee :):