My First Few Days Manifesting Money

Bella's Journey
2 min readAug 25, 2023


Some progress and we’re just getting started

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I’m on a journey of manifesting.

I’m focusing on what the manifestation community lovingly calls self-concept, which is how we view ourselves and how we view ourselves in relation to different subjects (love, money, health, etc.).

My relationship made me realize that my self-concept with love was crap. (It wasn’t always). And THAT consequently made me realize that my self-concept aka how I viewed myself in relation to money and business was also…surprise…crap.

So here we are!

I made the decision to focus on money, business, and love (the latter I will not get into here).

It’s been roughly a little less than a week and I wanted to share the first update with you.

There are two ways I’m seeing myself manifest money: money saved (aka free things) and/or money gained.

Here are some small manifestation wins when it comes to money:

  • one subscription I had got refunded to me because they’re doing maintenance on their website (money gained)
  • a different subscription I had was given to me at a significant discount because they moved platforms (money saved)
  • I had a challenging conversation with my boss when I realized he had missed 2 pay periods (resulting in an additional $1,700 for me, I so far have been paid one of those 2)
  • I got my tax return documents back from my CPA for the past 2 years and it looks like I’ll get a refund of close to $3,000
  • I received $200 from the company I’m partnered with for NOT using one of the incentives I had qualified for
  • My check for last month’s sales was significantly higher than the previous months (approximately 50% higher)

With the extra money I had, I paid some of my credit card off and worked a little on my car outstanding amount. Once I get back home (I’m currently traveling), I’ll write another update with exact amounts as to where I am with my goals (debt payments, etc.).

Talk to you guys next week!



Bella's Journey

A scorpio in every single way - a lover of deep intimate conversations, intense connections, and loyal. Buy me a coffee :):